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Mediheal - Vitamide Brightening Pad - 100ea (1ea) + Phyto-Enzyme Peeling Pad - 90ea (1ea) Set


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Special Price 46,99 €

Regulärer Preis: 59,38 €

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Ein exklusives Set von Stylevana, das Folgendes enthält:

Mediheal - Vitamide Brightening Pad - 100ea x 1
Mediheal - Phyto-Enzyme Peeling Pad - 90ea x 1


Ein exklusives Set von Stylevana, das Folgendes enthält:

Mediheal - Vitamide Brightening Pad - 100ea x 1
Mediheal - Phyto-Enzyme Peeling Pad - 90ea x 1

Mediheal - Vitamide Brightening Pad - 100ea

MEDIHEAL's Vitamide Brightening Pad is a skin brightening pad that helps to remove keratin and brighten the skin tone. The strict customer reviews said 100% improvement in roughness, 100% evened out skin tone, 100% skin clarity, and 100% overall satisfaction without any irritation. Visible blemishes were improved by 15.51% and hidden blemishes were improved by 16.91%, resulting in a double blemish improvement effect. Red skin tone improved by 58.92%, dull skin tone improved by 10.10%, yellow skin tone improved by 15.62%, resulting in a 3-tone skin tone improvement effect. Completed the sensitive skin irritation test, so it is safe for use.

Mediheal - Phyto-Enzyme Peeling Pad - 90ea

This is the MEDIHEAL no.1 pad, which exfoliates and cleanses pores in order to remove keratin. This product has an overall 100% satisfaction rate, including 100% smooth skin texture, 100% blackhead improvement, 100% whitehead improvement, and 100% being gentle and mild. Skin exfoliation is improved by 93.01%, and blackheads are improved by 66.95%, resulting in immediate effects on skin exfoliation and blackheads. The total pore improvement effect can be seen with a noticeable 27.66% improvement in pore count and 45.38% improvement in pore area. Completed the sensitive skin irritation test, so it is safe for use. The sheets are gently and smoothly cared for with a full-bodied essence to the last sheet without irritation. This pad absorbs all of the essence in the container and eliminates the worry of leftover essence and floating impurities.





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